Police Accountability Through Performance Appraisal Systems
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Police Accountability Through Performance Appraisal Systems

Police Accountability Through Performance Appraisal Systems


Course Description:

Performance evaluations for police and public safety officers in higher education are often generic and misaligned with the actual job functions and critical tasks associated with policing/public safety in the postsecondary environment. This course will assist supervisors and managers in establishing methods for increasing individual officer effectiveness through the use of evidence-based performance evaluations that are specific to campus policing/public safety. Supervisors and managers will learn how to develop, engage, and assess critical job tasks of their departmental personnel.  *Attendees of this course will be provided with a sample evaluation tool that can be used for patrol officers.


Some of the key topics that will be covered include:

      • Function of performance evaluations;
      • Identification of critical tasks of police and public safety officers in a postsecondary environment;
      • How to construct and use an evidence-based performance evaluation model; and
      • Key considerations in assessing police/public safety performance.


Audience: Campus Police and Public Safety Command Staff and Supervisory Personnel


This course will be taught by higher education experts who have a background and expertise in developing and implementing effective performance appraisals in their Public Safety and Law Enforcement agencies on college campuses.


If you would like to obtain a scope of work to bring this class to your institution, contact Dolores Stafford at dolores@dstaffordandassociates.com or (302) 344-5809.


1 Day Class from 12:00 pm-4:00 pm (Eastern Time)

VIRTUAL CLASS 2023-02           

August 2, 2023